Wilmington WWTP (PDB)
Project Description:
PCC was selected and awarded a contract for this Progressive Design Build (PDB) Project in 2021. Scope of the work includes a new WWTP on a greenfield site adjacent to the existing WWTP. The new plant will be rated for an ADF of 4.5 MGD and a PHF of 22.5 MGD. The new WWTP will consist of an Influent Pump Station, Headworks with Screening and Grit Removal, (4) cell SBR with pipe gallery, Tertiary Treatment Building with Disc Filters, UV Disinfection, Cascade Aeration, Aerated Sludge Holding, a Dewatering Screw Press, and a Coagulant Feed System.
Construction Cost: $49.8 million
Year Completed: (2025)