Sugarcreek WWTP

  • Client: Sugarcreek WWTP
  • Project Type: WTP & WWTP

Sugarcreek WWTP

This $28.7 million project was completed by PCC in June 2009. Included in the project was an Influent Pump Station rated at 50 MGD that was 50’ deep and in significant amounts of rock. Also included was a 140’ diameter Aeration Tank, 200’ diameter EQ Basin, numerous splitter boxes, new sludge processing system, and architectural work on numerous existing buildings. This project also included a Headworks Building with Screening and Grit Equipment (rated at 50 MGD), Blower Building, Circular Clarifier, and Sludge Pumping Building. There were also a number of difficult piping tie-ins that had to be made while bypass pumping large sewage flows.