Wapakoneta WTP (CMAR)

Project Description:

The City of Wapakoneta selected PCC as CMAR for this lime-softening conversion upgrade at the City’s WTP.  The project scope includes conversion of the existing Ion Exchange Softening WTP to a Lime Softening WTP.  Components of the project included relocation of the existing Aerators, a new Carbon Dioxide Feed Building, two (2) new 50’ diameter Solids Contact Clarifiers, conversion of existing tankage to a Recarbonation Basin, a new Chemical Building with Lime and Soda Ash Feed Systems, a new 0.25 MG Clearwell, and conversion of space within the existing Treatment Building to Administrative Areas.  Work also includes the construction of two (2) Lime Sludge Storage Lagoons.

Construction Cost: $18.2 million

Year Completed: 2023