Lima WWTP Headworks (CMAR)
Project Description:
The City of Lima selected Peterson Construction Company as the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) for this expansion project at the City’s WWTP. The project increased the peak wet weather capacity of the Headworks and the disinfection facilities from 53 MGD to 70 MGD. Components of the project included: demolition of four (4) Primary Settling Tanks, demolition of the Grit Building & Grit Tanks, four (4) new Primary Settling Tanks, Screen Building addition, four (4) new Grit Tanks, Primary Sludge Pump Station, Secondary Effluent Pump Station, Ferric Chloride Feed Building and storage tanks, new Disinfection Building, and electrical & control systems.
Construction Cost: $28.9 million
Year Completed: 2017